How Graide Works

Graide learns how educators give feedback so they never have to grade the same method twice.

Efficient and accurate marking assistance for educators

AI-Powered technology that reduces bias and enhances efficiency. Graide's advanced marking assistance offers educators accurate and consistent grading, while providing valuable insights to improve student learning.

Streamlined Assessment and Collaboration

Revolutionises your assessment and feedback process with faster marking, team collaboration, and administration automation. Save valuable time and effort for staff members.

Diverse Submissions and Input Methods

Accommodate a wide range of submission types and input methods, including images, PDFs, LaTeX, visual math, optical character recognition, and handwriting recognition.

AI-Powered Marking Assistance

Our AI-assisted grading technology learns from your patterns, offering suggestions for points and feedback on both mathematical and short answer text questions.

Customisable and Secure Experience

Get a tailored experience with features like anonymous marking, rearrangeable feedback rubrics, model answers, and passwordless login. Ensure a secure, efficient, and bias-free assessment environment.

Robust Analytics and Reusability

Get powerful analytics and insights into student performance, helping you identify areas for improvement. Reuse your questions and assignments, and streamline the assessment process even further.

Enhanced Flexibility and Student Support

Distribute your grading flexibly, allowing you to assign graders per student or per question. Give students multiple attempts or custom extra time, and an easy-to-use LTI integration.

Consider the following question

With all the steps one student has taken:
All the steps one student has taken to answer a differentiation question.

In Reality We Have Hundreds Of Students

When taking into account all the steps, the paths students can take is immense.
All the steps 172 students have taken to answer a differentiation question.

Graide - The AI in Grade

As you grade, our platform uses AI to analyse your students responses and how you give feedback. This lets you grade multiple responses at the same time.
A workflow to show how the AI assists educators whilst grading.

Using Our Technology, The Tree Is
Dramatically Simplified

All the steps 172 students have taken to answer a differentiation question, after it has been simplified by Graide.

Grade Faster With Every Submission

A graph showing how fast Graide learns over time.
Our research has shown decrease in grading times and increase in feedback given back to students.
Time Reduction
Grading time per script went from 11.2 to 2.8 mins
More Feedback
Feedback per script went from 23 to 166 words

We Graide All Subjects


How We Are Better

Graide Logo
Multiple Choice
Automatic Grading
Can give feedback on working
Analytics on approach
Freeform answer
Doesn't require programming
Accepts handwriting
Personalised feedback

Graide fits into your existing workflow

A graphic highlighting consistency when grading multiple submsisions.
Shared rubric which dynamically updates to ensure consistency. Updating the feedback in one place updates it for all students.
Aggregate Class Analytics
Know what topics your students are struggling with as you grade so you can update your teaching to reflect their learning.
Statistics graph for students.
A teacher and student discussing.
Ask Any Question
There is no programming required to write sophisticated questions. Our semi-automated workflow does all the heavy lifting for you.
No Repetitive Work
Our platform learns as you grade so that you don’t grade the same answer twice. This learns over time so the benefits improve as questions are repeated between classes / year groups.
A teacher struggling with lots of paperwork, with a large x highlighting this is not a problem.
"We used Graide in our stats and data module, and it was very helpful when it came to the feedback. Giving separate feedback, showing green when you've done really well, orange when you were nearly there, and red when things just weren't going well. That really specific feedback on line by line work was perfect. I would definitely recommend that other lectures start using it."
"The whole process from start to finish becomes much more efficient. Not just from the point of view of being able to mark quicker, but it allows you then to give more detail in the marking because you've got that time to be able to do that. It's a real improvement on the whole marking experience."
"Overall, it is very good and definitely helped reduce the marking time towards the later submissions. I found it a relatively easy system to use once you’ve got the hang of it and, in my personal opinion, I found it to be a great improvement on handwritten marking."
"The more one gets into the software, the quicker it becomes. It was astonishingly quick!"
"I used Graide to grade the final exams for my Calculus course and found it to be a useful tool for providing consistent and high-quality feedback. The platform was easy to use and allowed me to grade assignments faster than using paper or Canvas SpeedGrader. I would recommend departments try Graide."
"I would say that going from unmarked scripts to a file consisting of student marks took me half the time."
"The main benefits about Graide from the point of view of markers are saving a lot of time on marking a given batch and also making sure that your feedback is consistent with respect to the rest of the group."
"I'd recommend Graide because it makes your life easy. Relative to other grading platforms I've used, it really makes me more efficient, it makes me mark more in the time I've got available. It makes my marking a lot better, a lot more consistent. It makes it so that the students have got a lot more feedback to work on for the next assignment."
Let’s have a quick chat to see if Graide is for you.
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