Feedback Tagging

Mark feedback as positive or negative and create custom tags.

The Challenge: Identifying Broader Issues

Educators often encounter challenges when attempting to identify and address broader issues that students may be facing within assignments. With numerous submissions to assess and varying levels of proficiency among students, tracking common patterns or recurring themes across feedback can be a challenging task. Without a systematic approach to feedback management, educators may struggle to pinpoint overarching areas for improvement, hindering their ability to provide targeted support and intervention to students.

Feedback Ambiguity

Traditional feedback methods may lack the specificity and organisation needed to effectively address broader issues within assignments. Educators may find themselves inundated with feedback data, making it difficult to discern meaningful patterns or trends amidst the noise. Without a structured framework for categorising and analysing feedback, educators may resort to ad-hoc methods of identification, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in addressing student needs.

Our Solution: Custom Tagging for Feedback

Graide's Feedback Tagging feature offers a solution to the challenges of identifying and addressing broader issues within assignments.

Enhanced Feedback Organisation

With Graide, educators can streamline feedback management by marking feedback as positive or negative and creating custom tags to categorise and label feedback based on specific themes or issues. Whether highlighting areas of strength or areas for improvement, educators can apply custom tags to feedback comments to denote recurring patterns or common challenges observed across student submissions. This enhanced organisation facilitates easy retrieval and analysis of feedback data, empowering educators to identify broader issues and trends with precision and clarity.

Targeted Intervention

Graide's custom tagging functionality enables educators to target interventions and support strategies based on identified areas for improvement within assignments. By systematically tagging feedback comments related to common issues or misconceptions, educators can develop targeted remediation plans and instructional resources tailored to address student needs effectively. This targeted approach to intervention promotes personalised learning experiences and fosters student growth and development in areas of challenge.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Graide empowers educators to make data-driven decisions by leveraging feedback and tagging data to inform instructional practice and curriculum design. By analysing tagged feedback data, educators can identify recurring themes or trends across assignments, allowing them to adjust teaching strategies, modify learning objectives, and refine assessment practices to better meet student needs. This data-driven approach to decision-making enhances instructional effectiveness and promotes continuous improvement in teaching and learning outcomes.

Say goodbye to feedback ambiguity and hello to clarity and organisation in feedback management. With Graide, custom tagging for feedback is at your fingertips, enabling you to enhance student learning and success.