Benefits of using Graide

A comprehensive platform designed to alleviate your pain points and elevate your teaching experience to new heights.

Interaction Oversight

Ensuring accountability and quality in student interactions and grading is vital. Graide offers robust oversight to track engagement, monitor grading time, and identify feedback trends to promote transparency, consistency, and program integrity.

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Revenue Manager

Managing finances and invoicing can be tough for educational institutions. Graide makes it easy. You can track costs, invoice clients, and monitor output effortlessly. Streamline financial tasks and optimise resource allocation to ensure your institution operates efficiently.

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Workload Manager

Grading and assignment management can quickly become overwhelming, especially when faced with tight deadlines and fluctuating workloads. Graide alleviates the burden of workload management, allowing you to distribute tasks efficiently, set clear deadlines, and monitor progress in real-time. With Graide, you can streamline the grading process, reduce administrative overhead, and ensure that every student receives the attention and support they deserve.

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Student Analytics

Understanding student performance is essential for effective teaching and learning. Graide provides comprehensive student analytics that allow you to identify trends, pinpoint areas of improvement, and track cohort performance over time. With Graide, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance student engagement, inform instructional strategies, and promote academic success for all learners.

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AI Assisted Grading

Grading essays, short text, and mathematical questions can be time-consuming and labour-intensive. Graide harnesses the power of AI to streamline the grading process, enabling you to provide timely and accurate feedback to students. With AI-assisted grading, you can expedite the grading process, identify common issues across assignments, and gain valuable insights into student performance, all while saving time and effort.

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Assignment Manager

Managing assignments can be a daunting task, especially when faced with the complexities of reusing questions, accommodating extenuating circumstances, and ensuring anonymity during grading. Graide simplifies assignment management, allowing you to create, distribute, and evaluate assignments with ease. From setting exam durations to providing extra support for students in need, Graide streamlines every aspect of assignment management, so you can focus on what truly matters: student success.

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Flexible Grading

Grading shouldn't be a one-size-fits-all endeavour. Graide empowers you to tailor your grading approach to meet the unique needs of every assignment and student. Say goodbye to rigid rubrics and hello to personalised feedback tagging, one-time comments, and easy editing capabilities. With Graide, grading becomes a flexible and dynamic process that fosters student growth and learning.

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Flexible Submissions

Graide understands that students learn and express themselves in diverse ways. With our platform, you can bid farewell to the headache of managing multiple submission formats. Whether it's typed mathematics, handwritten equations, scanned documents, or image uploads, Graide seamlessly accommodates every submission type, ensuring that students can engage with assignments in the way that best suits their learning style.

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