Flexible Grading

A way to do everything you would want when grading.

The Challenge: Grading Complexity

Grading student work can be a daunting task, especially when faced with different types of submissions. From written responses to mathematical equations, educators must navigate a myriad of formats and content types, each requiring careful evaluation and feedback. Without the right tools and processes in place, grading can be time-consuming, overwhelming, and prone to inconsistencies.

Inefficient Feedback Processes

Traditional grading methods often lack the flexibility and efficiency needed to provide meaningful feedback to students. Educators may find themselves spending excessive time navigating between different feedback formats, struggling to maintain consistency and coherence across assignments. Additionally, the inability to easily edit feedback or organise it effectively can hinder educators' ability to deliver timely, targeted feedback that supports student learning and growth.

Our Solution: Flexible Grading Tools

Graide's Flexible Grading tools offer a solution to the challenges of grading complexity and inefficient feedback processes.

Grade All Submission Types

With Graide, educators can grade all types of student submissions, from written responses to mathematical equations and beyond. Our platform supports a wide range of submission formats, allowing educators to assess student work with ease and accuracy. Whether providing written feedback, numerical scores, or annotations on graphical content, Graide ensures that every answer students can input can be effectively evaluated and graded.

Feedback Tagging

Graide enables educators to streamline feedback organisation and analysis through feedback tagging. With customizable tags for positive and negative feedback, educators can categorise and label feedback based on specific criteria or themes. This tagging system facilitates easy retrieval and analysis of feedback data, empowering educators to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement across student submissions.

One-Time Comments

Graide's One-Time Comments feature allows educators to create comments for specific situations that may not be suitable for rubrics or standard feedback templates. Whether addressing unique circumstances, offering personalised guidance, or providing context-specific feedback, educators can create one-time comments that align with the individual needs of students and the requirements of the assignment.

Easy Editing

Graide simplifies the process of editing feedback with its Easy Editing feature. Educators can easily modify existing feedback and have those changes apply to past and future submissions automatically. This seamless editing capability ensures consistency and accuracy in feedback delivery, allowing educators to refine and improve their feedback over time without the need for manual adjustments.

Organising Feedback

Graide empowers educators to organise feedback effectively through its Organizing Feedback feature. With the ability to group feedback and organise it into categories or rubrics, educators can better manage their grading process and ensure consistency and coherence in feedback delivery. This organised approach enhances educators' ability to provide targeted, actionable feedback that supports student learning and growth.

Learn more

Say goodbye to grading complexities and hello to streamlined assessment processes that support student learning and growth.