Cut grading costs in half with an AI powered workflow

Build accurate AI models with your data, locked down whilst ensuring consistency.
Supported assessment types

Grading is so expensive and inconsistent

Grading challenges have become an all-consuming pain in your daily operations. Student complaints echo the chaos, casting shadows on the educational experience.

The pain of maintaining assessment standards during these turbulent times is palpable. The strain on your staff, the frustration of students, and the threat to your institution's reputation are relentless sources of discomfort.

The agony of grappling with these grading challenges is real. It's a pain that can't be ignored. But together, we can address these concerns head-on and find solutions to ease the burden.

With Graide it’s cheap and consistent

Goodbye manual grading! Our AI assessment engine saves time, delivers accuracy, and lets your team prioritise what matters.
A workflow to show how the AI assists educators whilst grading.

The results speak for themselves!

With our reinforcement learning process you can save time whilst you train your bespoke algorithm. It has shown to reduce grading times by up to 89%!
A graph showing how fast Graide learns over time.

Let's chat?

Now that you know what Graide can do and how it can help you, shall we chat?